Field Day Details

As you know, Field Day will be held on Friday, June 3rd, weather permitting.   In the event of inclement weather it will be held Tuesday, June.7th.

The Field Day Celebration will start out with our traditional opening ceremony. This consists of all students marching onto the field with their Field Day team and banner. After the opening ceremony, students in grades 3-5 will re-enter the school to attend an assembly, while grades K-2 will remain on the field to participate in their events. All grade levels will re-enter the school for their lunch periods.  Following lunch, grades 3-5 will assemble on the field to participate in their events.

All grade levels K-5 will be participating in events that promote physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.  Just like last year, the Field Day will be broken down into two sessions allowing for optimal participation by all students. Below is a detailed breakdown of times and activities.


Opening Ceremony / Long Run 8:15 AM – 9:00 AM

Grades K-2  9:00 AM – 10:40 AM

Grades 3-5 12:00 AM – 1:40 PM

Closing Ceremony / Tug of War 1:15 PM – 1:45 PM


The Staff at Link Elementary is always concerned with your child’s safety, as well as you are.  In past years, the Field Day event has been supported by a large crowd of spectators, which is a positive sign of support for physical fitness.  However, the large number of spectators must realize Link Elementary has safety codes that they must abide by.  Therefore, parents are encouraged to follow and support the following rules for Field Day:

Safety Rules

  1. No cars are to be parked in and/ or blocking the large playground area to the entrance of the school.  This is a safety hazard if there was ever a need for an evacuation. In addition, buses begin entering the grounds at 1:30 and must have access to the playground.  (Please, Please, Car Pool if you can!!)
  2. No cars are to be parked in the designated Fire Zone located around the front courtyard of the school.  This area must be clear for emergency vehicles.
  3. All parents must stay off of the events field. Please sit on the hill or along the side of the field behind the roped off area.
  4. No parents will be permitted inside the school to visit classrooms or children during the day.  We hope that all children will stay for the entire Field Day.
  5. Students must be SIGNED OUT by a Legal Guardian, witnessed by their classroom teacher in order to leave the field following the announcement of the final scores.
  6. If a student is not signed out they will be dismissed as they would be on a normal school day.


*All cars must be off the school grounds no later than 1:45p.m., so that buses can safely enter for dismissal.






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